Gnome Alone

🐌🍄 In every wish and dream and happy home, you will find the kingdom of the gnomes! 🍄🐌

Gnomes!!! God i love gnomes. They’re diligent. Nature-forward. They love the inherent delights of a simple life. And they’re excellent crafters. Plus they live inside trees with an extensive series of boobie traps and Home Alone style security measures. It makes me want a Gnome-centric version called Gnome Alone. And Marv and Harry are Trolls and the South Bend Shovel Slayer is a helpful old rabbit maybe. Jesus Christ can you even imagine how magical that would be?! Anyways. This little guy didn’t expire fighting bumbling home invaders, he’s simply been at his post so long his bones are exposed and he’s been unmoved through the end of time. This is on a genuine Gnome-fiend named Vikki and it was an absolute delight getting to work with you! Thanks Vikki! 🪱

Tattoo by:

Kelly Doty

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